Discussion Topic: Operating System

Module III
Operating Systems
System software – definition, components, operating system, language translator, loaders, linkers,interpreters, compilers, overview of compilation process, scanning, pausing, code optimization,software tools, library routines, text editors, program generators, debugging tools.
OS as a resource manager, structure of OS shell, Kernel, utilities, resourse management routines,evolution of OS, multiprogramming, time sharing, real time systems, parallel systems, distributed
systems, OS functions process description and control, process control, process state, operation on
process, concurrent process, threads, processes and threads, micro kernels, schedulers, scheduling
algorithms, independent and concurrent processes, critical section, mutual exclusion, Petersons solution, semaphore, classical synchronization concept of interprocess communications. Deadlock,
starvation, conditions for deadlock, resource allocation problem, deadlock handling, prevention and
avoidance, Bankers algorithm deadlock detection and recovery.
Concept of memory, address binding, logical address, physical address, swapping, contiguous
allocation fixed partition variable partition fragmentation. Noncontiguous allocation, paging
segmentation, virtual memory-demander paging. replacement algorithms, thrashing protection and
security mechanisms, accidental data loss, protection mechanisms, user authentication, attack from
inside, viruses, antiviruses.
I/O managments, I/O hardware, application I/O interface kenrnel I/O subsystem DISK I/O, disk
scheduling, swap space management RAID, disk cache.
File management-concept, access methods, directory structure, file sharing, file system structure
implementation, directory implementation allocation methods, free space managment.
