
Showing posts from July, 2020

Computer Practicals using Arrays

Write a program to read 10 numbers 1,2,3....10 using array . And print the numbers in reverse order ie. 10,9,8,7,6...1 Source Code Output  

What is big data analysis ? Why it is important?

Big Data helps the organizations to create new growth opportunities and entirely new categories of companies that can combine and analyze industry data. These companies have ample information about the products and services, buyers and suppliers, consumer preferences that can be captured and analyzed. Jobs that Require a Knowledge of Data Analytics IT Systems Analyst. Systems analysts use and design systems to solve problems in information technology. ... Healthcare Data Analyst. ... Operations Analyst. ... Data Scientist. ... Data Engineer. ... Quantitative Analyst. ... Data Analytics Consultant. ... Digital Marketing Manager.

Computer Practicals Essential Knowledge


Victers : Arrays : 2nd Part

Array Declaration . Accepting values to Arrays using program , Size of the Array etc...

Chapter 2 : Arrays : Notes #1

1.  Define an Array ? An array is a collection of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations. Arrays are used to store a set of values of the same type under a single variable name. 2. How can we declare an array ? The syntax for declaring an array in C++ is as follows. data_type array_name[size]; In the syntax, data_type is the type of data that the array variable can store, array_name is an identifier for naming the array and the size is a positive integernumber that specifies the number of elements in the array.  The following is anexample:  int num[10]; The above statement declares an array named num that can store 10 integer numbers.Each item in an array is called an element of the array. 3. In C++, the array index starts with_____________? zero 4. Array index is also called as  ______________ ? subscript 5. What is array initialization ? Array elements can be initialized in their declar...

Chapter 2 : Arrays : First Part

The need of using arrays in a program

Video Lesson : Sum of Array Elements

  Write a program to read 10 numbers and find the sum of these numbers

Write a program to read 10 numbers and find the sum of these numbers?

Source Code #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,n[10], sum=0; cout<<" Enter  10 numbers: "; for(i=0;i<10;i++) {     cin>>n[i];     sum=sum+n[i]; } cout<<" Sum of the numbers in array " << sum; return 0; } Output Enter  10 numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sum of the numbers in array 55

+2 വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് വേണ്ടി പാഠപുസ്തകങ്ങളുടെ മലയാളം പരിഭാഷ

+2 വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് വേണ്ടി SCERT  തയ്യാറാക്കിയ  പാഠപുസ്തകങ്ങളുടെ മലയാളം പരിഭാഷ പബ്ലിഷ് ചെയ്തു 👇 Download Book Now